
Meu nome é Marcus Souza, sou Diretor de Arte, Designer Gráfico, entusiasta de arte 3D e músico criado na favela

do jd. são jorge, Atualmente moro no centro de São Paulo, Brasil.

Fazendo arte desde 97' entrei de vez na área do design em 2016 quando fiz um curso técnico na etec carlos de campos (que por curiosidade, foi onde os grafiteiros "osgêmeos" e crânio, também estudaram).

de lá pra cá, trabalhei com alguns clientes desenvolvendo campanhas publicitárias, KV's, desdobramentos on e off, artes para social, identidades visuais, logos e muito mais coisas por ai.

Para mim, Arte é sentimento, é a maneira como você explica sua visão de mundo com palavras, desenhos, música, dança e movimento. Tudo está conectado a uma única coisa:

o sentimento. Um é tudo e tudo é um.

Além de ser Artista e Músico, sou lutador de Karate (faixa roxa). Já ganhei alguns campeonatos pela Federação CBKI, como o Campeonato Nacional, o Campeonato Paulista,

o Grand Prix, e fui eleito o melhor do ano em 2022.


My name is Marcus Souza, I am an Art Director, Graphic Designer, 3D art enthusiast, and musician, raised in the Jardim São Jorge favela. I currently live in downtown São Paulo, Brazil.

Creating art since '97, I fully entered the design field in 2016 when I took a technical course at ETEC Carlos de Campos (interestingly, the same place where graffiti artists "Os Gêmeos" and Crânio also studied).

Since then, I've worked with various clients, developing advertising campaigns, key visuals, on-and-off adaptations, social media art, visual identities, logos, and much more.

For me, Art is feeling; it’s the way you convey your worldview through words, drawings, music, dance, and movement. Everything is connected to one thing:

feeling. One is all, and all is one.

besides being an Artist and Musician, I’m a Karate fighter (purple belt). I’ve won several championships with the CBKI Federation, including the National Championship, the São Paulo State Championship, the Grand Prix, and I was awarded the best of the year in 2022.


tudo bom?

Hey, how u doing?

Lets talk?

You can contact me at


or +55 11 988158885

or Linkedin

or maybe on Instagram

All works © Marcus Souza, 2024

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Clients I worked with

Framer revolutionizes my web design workflow. It goes beyond a simple website builder, offering a visual playground where I can craft stunning and interactive websites without getting bogged down in complex code.

Figma is my collaborative design platform of choice. I utilize it to work seamlessly with team members and clients, facilitating real-time feedback and design iterations. Its cloud-based approach streamlines the design process.

Notion helps me keep my projects organized. I use it for project management, task tracking, and as a central hub for documentation, ensuring that everything from design notes to project timelines is in one place.

Airtable is my go-to solution for robust data organization. I harness its power to create structured databases, making information easily accessible and ensuring a systematic approach to handling complex datasets.

Framer serves as my go-to tool for creating interactive prototypes. I use it to bring designs to life, allowing stakeholders to experience the user flow and interactions before development begins. It's invaluable for refining the user experience.

LemonSqueezy stands as my comprehensive solution for managing every aspect of my SaaS business. From seamless payment processing and subscription management to global tax compliance and fraud prevention, this all-in-one platform simplifies the complexities of running a SaaS operation.

ChatGPT is my content generation and assistance tool. I leverage it for content ideas, copywriting, and problem-solving. It provides invaluable insights and suggestions that enhance the quality of my projects.

HTML5 is the backbone of my web design work. I use it to structure content, ensuring that websites are semantically meaningful and accessible. It forms the foundation upon which the visual elements of a site are built.

Clientes com quem já trabalhei

Past experiences

Full Art Director

2023 // now

Art Director Freelancer



2019 // 2020

Vermont T.I & Call Center


2016 // 2018

Gráficos Sangar



D.E.R - Departamento de Estradas de Rodagens



Jr. Art Director